Essentials of Screenwriting by Richard Walter: Seven Naughty Words #screenwriting

Essentials of Screenwriting by Richard Walter



1. Entertainment. Don’t be boring. MacBeth has witches, riddles, special effects, murder, mayhem, list, greed, sword fights, blood, vengeance and horror.

2. Commercial. “Commerce” means to communicate physically. Films require an army. Armies cost money. Films are inherently commercial.

3. Voyeurism. Films are also inherently voyeuristic. We know better than to peep into real houses, so we hire Filmmakers to do it for us.

4. Contrivance. Film is a contrived jumble of scenes, dialogue, orchestration shot out of order that appears seemless. If you don’t like fantasy, avoid screenwriting.

5. Exploitation. All art wallows in exploitation. Writers should exploit all their resources to fullest effect.

6. Hollywood. Most public, popular art is about bright, brassy, attention-grabbing spectacle. Deal with it.

7. Audience. Don’t be boring. The screenwriter’s basic mission is to divert an assembled mass of civilians from life’s natural and inevitable tedium.

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